It is often said, ‘ Don’t judge a book by its cover’ and this wise saying is true and true to the core. The purpose of a cover is to attract its audience and a beautiful cover definitely catches our eyes and impels us to read; at least the synopsis. Here, the cover has served its purpose. It has gained the attention of its target audience.
This is exactly what our attire does for us. Human attention is naturally drawn to something that is attractive. It can be invariably said that appearance is the window through which the world looks at us. Studies say, 30 seconds is what we take to judge another person and most of it is just by their appearance. Shallow as much as it seems, the fact remains. In fact with the pace of activities in everyday life increasing, we tend to quickly form a decision whether the object, book or person in front of us is worth the additional time. How to dress to be remembered? Below are a few tips:

Keep it simple, develop and build your own in a distinct style. Following fast fashion and copying others will not make you stand out in the crowd. Here are few tips to create your own style.
1). If your work environment calls for office formals, try to ditch the black shoes and black belt and opt for brown or blue.
2) Get your clothes tailored, they are made for you and hence unique. Well fitting clothes immediately makes you look sharper. Even a plain white shirt
3) Choose colours and patterns that suit your body type and skin colour, even if the current trend and fashion gurus don’t agree with you. Majority of people tend to fall for the ‘in’ thing.
4) Dress according to your age. Wearing a ragged jeans and sleeveless tees suits a teenager, but not someone in their mid thirties. Wearing age appropriate clothes will actually gain you more respect.
5) Stand up to the occasion. Make it a point to dress appropriately for any occasion or event. If it is a black tie event, then stick to the dress code. Buy new clothes if necessary and don’t try to fit in with whatever you have in the wardrobe. Similarly, you don’t have to wear a suit for a casual dinner, a pair of good fitting chinos and a casual shirt is good enough.
Create your own flavour and use it in the standard dress codes and norms. There is no need to create altogether new dress code to be remembered. Keep it simple.
Fit is paramount in trying to look good. Your dress should enable you to hide your flaws and accentuate the stronger elements. Design can be changed, it can evolve and circle around trends, but one thing that should not change is the fit of your garment. This is the reason we strive for an extraordinary fit guarantee.